Our FAQs
What can I keep if I file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
We know you are concerned about your personal belongings. We are here to help you be able to keep as much as you can as allowed by Bankruptcy Code. Some of the common exemptions are:
- Furniture
- Clothing
- Some Equity in your home
- Some Equity in your car
- Cash in various types of accounts, such as savings, etc.
How will my credit be affected?
There will be an impact on your credit initially after filing for bankruptcy; however your credit was likely already damaged due to late payments and serious delinquencies. We can work with our clients to improve their credit score once the bankruptcy is finalized.
We get continual debt collection calls at home, is there anything we can do to make them stop?
Once you obtain our services and we file for bankruptcy on your behalf, your creditors will no longer be able to continue you to call and harass you. We will handle any conversations with creditors that need to be contacted.
We took on a mortgage that has now gone up so much we can no longer afford to pay for our home. Is there anything we can do lega
We will need to speak with you personally in order to obtain all the needed information to provide you with the best advice for your situation. However, it is very likely that the legal team of Law Offices of David Freydin will be able to assist you in either modifying your home loan or assist you with a bankruptcy filing.